Property Management
At On Point Property Agents our landlords love Our Point of Difference! The transient nature of property managers we understand that losing that built up relationship and property history with your investment property when a change of staff occurs can be very frustrating. Our Point of Difference ensures that will never happen Principal Leigh manages all the client portfolios being the contact point for both the property owner and tenant. We also understand the importance of minimizing every expense, our tenants are to call us with any issue and we will go and inspect the complaint and make judgement well before any contractor/trades person is called. Our very competitive rates (with no extras) our wealth of experience and knowledge plus having the best industry support being a long standing member of the REIQ ( Real-estate institute of Queensland) is all very well complimented by our professional and very personal approx to your asset development. So call Leigh today to get an in depth overview of Our Point of Difference.
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